Saturday, June 2, 2012

Call for Post-Conference Proceedings Papers with Extended Deadline of June 4, 2012: The 2012 International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP'12) at WORLDCOMP'12, USA, July 16-19, 2012

           CALL FOR PAPERS - Extended Deadline: June 4, 2012

                 The 2012 International Conference on
               Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

                   July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA

You are invited to submit a full paper (max of 7 pages) for consideration.
All accepted papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings
(ISBN) and will also be made available online. Abstract submissions (1 to 2
pages) will be considered for poster presentations. The conference proceedings
will be made available in printed book as well as online. The proceedings
will be indexed in science citation databases that track citation frequency/
data for each paper. The proceedings of the congress that BIOCOMP is part of
enjoys a high number of citations; about 26,000 citations have been made (so
far) to papers published in the proceedings. The conference is co-sponsored
by various associations and groups as well as centers, large labs, and
institutes affiliated with University of Iowa, George Mason University,
Texas A&M University, Harvard University and MIT, University of Minnesota,
US national labs, and many others. Corporate sponsors include, Intel
Corporation, Super Micro Computer, Inc., and others.

This announcement is ONLY for those who MISSED the opportunity to submit
their papers in response to earlier "Call For Papers". Therefore, authors
who have already submitted papers in response to earlier "Call For Papers"
should IGNORE this announcement. (Those who have been notified that their
papers have been accepted, MUST still follow the instructions that were
emailed to them; including meeting the deadlines mentioned in the
notifications that were sent to them).

Please note that the conference web site refers to different deadlines; those
who receive this announcement should ignore the deadlines mentioned on the
web (we are not updating the deadlines on the conference web site because we
would like to control the number of submissions - we can only manage a limited
number of additional submissions at this late date). What appears below are
the current deadlines.

June 4, 2012:       Submission of papers for evaluation
                    Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by
                    uploading them to the following general evaluation web site:
June 17, 2012:      Notification of acceptance/not-acceptance
June 27, 2012:      Registration
July 16-19, 2012:   The 2012 International Conference on Bioinformatics and
                    Computational Biology (BIOCOMP'12)

July 30, 2012:      Camera-Ready Papers Due for publication
                    (papers submitted and accepted in response to this announcement
                    will be published in the Final Edition of the proceedings which
                    will go to press soon after the conference.)

Those who wish to participate as attendees can register to attend the conference
by using the online registration system below:

SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

O  Microarrays
O  Molecular dynamics and simulation; Molecular interactions
O  Molecular sequence classification, alignment and assembly
O  Molecular sequence and structure databases
O  Computational Systems Biology
O  Gene regulation
O  Gene pattern discovery and identification
O  Gene expression analysis; Gene expression databases
O  Genetic network modeling and inference
O  Comparative genomics
O  Evolution of regulatory genomic sequences
O  RNA and DNA structure and sequencing
O  Biomedical engineering
O  Combinatorics and bioinformatics
O  Biological data mining and knowledge discovery
O  Biological databases and information retrieval
O  Bio-ontologies + semantics
O  Biological data integration and visualization
O  Image processing in medicine and biological sciences
O  Pattern classification and recognition
O  Sequence analysis and alignment
O  Informatics and Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research
O  Software tools and methods for computational biology and bioinformatics
O  Protein modeling
O  Proteomics; Protein folding and fold recognition
O  Metabolic modeling and pathways
O  Evolution and phylogenetics
O  Macromolecular structure prediction
O  Medical informatics
O  Epidemic models
O  Structural and functional genomics
O  Amino acid sequencing
O  Stochastic modeling
O  Cheminformatics
O  Computational drug discovery
O  Experimental medicine and analysis tools.
O  Personalized medicine
O  Cancer informatics
O  Graph theory and computational biology
O  Experimental studies and results
O  Application of computational intelligence in drug design
O  High-performance computing and applications in biology
O  Computer-based medical systems (automation in medicine, ...)
O  Other aspects & applications relating to technological advancements
   in medicine & biological sciences & emerging roadmaps.


Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site at:
Submissions must be uploaded by June 4, 2012 and must be in either
MS doc or pdf formats (about 7 pages including all figures, tables, and
references - single space, font size of 10 to 12). All reasonable
typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of accepted papers
will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format to prepare their
final papers for publication.) Papers must not have been previously
published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The first
page of the paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation,
postal address, and email address for each author. The first page should
also identify the name of the Contact Author and a maximum of 5 topical
keywords that would best represent the content of the paper. The name of
the conference that the paper is being submitted for consideration must
be stated on the first page of the paper (ie, BIOCOMP) as well as a 100 to
150-word abstract. The length of the final/Camera-Ready papers (if
accepted) will be limited to 7 (two-column IEEE style) pages.
Authors whose papers are ACCEPTED will be instructed to upload their papers
to a particular web site for publication - the uploaded papers to the
publication web site will only be checked for correct typesetting.

The proceedings will be published in printed conference books (ISBN) and
will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed in
science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for each
published paper (science citation databases such as: Inspec / IET / The
Institute for Engineering & Technology; The French National Center for
Scientific Research, CNRS, INIST databases, PASCAL (covers the core
scientific literature in Science; about 90% of inclusions are journals;
only about 9% are proceedings; the set of proceedings that BIOCOMP is part
of has been selected to be among the 9% - accessable from INIST, Datastar,
Dialog, EBSCO, OVID, Questel.Orbit, Qwam, and STN International); and others.
Though, there is no guarantee that the proceedings will also be included in
EI Compendex/Elsevier indexings, in the past, the proceedings that BIOCOMP
was part of were included in these databases. Therefore, we will also be
sending the proceedings for indexing procedures to EI Compendex/Elsevier.

In addition to the publication of the proceedings, selected authors will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a
number of research books contracted with various publishers. These books
will be composed after the conference. Also, many chairs of tracks will be
forming journal special issues to be published after the conference. For a
few examples of such recent books and journal issues formed based on BIOCOMP,
see the links below:
+ a number of journal special issues published by BMC Genomics:

Note that authors who submit papers in response to this announcement, will
have their papers evaluated for publication consideration in the Final
Edition of the conference proceedings which will go to press soon after the
conference (the conference would then make the necessary arrangements to ship
the printed proceedings/books to such authors). The Final Edition of the
conference proceedings will be identical to earlier edition except for a
number of sections/chapters appended to the proceedings/book. 4043

Submission of Poster Papers:

Poster papers can be 2 pages long. Authors are to follow the same instructions
that appear above. On the first page, the author should state that "This paper
is being submitted as a poster for BIOCOMP". Poster papers (if accepted) will
be published if and only if the author of the accepted poster wishes to have
his/her poster published as a 2-page extended abstract.)


BIOCOMP conference is being held jointly (same location and dates) with a
number of other federated research conferences (World Congress in Computer
Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing). This federated congress
is the largest annual gathering of researchers in computer science, computer
engineering and applied computing. The congress will be composed of research
presentations, keynote lectures, invited presentations, tutorials, panel
discussions, and poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/tutorial/panel
speakers have included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer, architecture, U. of
California, Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as Father of Nanotechnology),
Prof. John H. Holland (known as Father of Genetic Algorithms; U. of Michigan),
Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of Grid Computing; U. of Chicago & ANL),
Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U.  of California, Berkeley), Prof. Barry Vercoe
(Founding member of MIT Media Lab, MIT), Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer
of X Window System, xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic
Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program Director, U. of
Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer, U. of Southern California),
Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director and Consultant), Broad Institute of MIT
and Harvard U.), Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi
(Head, NASA Mars Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation & Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director, NASA's JPL
Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow of IEEE, ACM, RSC,
CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus, McMaster U. and U. of Limerick),
Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive Director, CERIAS and Professor, Purdue
University), Dr. Sandeep Chatterjee (Vice President & Chief Technology Officer,
SourceTrace Systems, Inc.), and many other distinguished speakers. To get a
feeling about the conferences' atmosphere, see the 2011 delegates photos available

An important mission of the congress is "Providing a unique platform for
a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities
(such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies,
and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also
attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as
their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that
have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to
achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives."

One main goal of the congress is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing. The
Congress also encourages multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
research initiatives; ie, facilitating increased opportunities for
cross-fertilization across sub-disciplines.
The list of co-sponsors of 2012 meeting is Currently being prepared;
for the 2011 list of sponsors, refer to:


The congress proceedings enjoy a high number of citations. In total, about
26,000 citations have been made (so far) to papers published in the proceedings
of the federated congress. The link below contains the url's to the citation
data for each track (each link is a live search and so it may take a few
seconds for the data to pull up):

1. BIOCOMP 2012 web site:
2. To see the caliber of the past offering of worldcomp, see the 2011 congress web site:
3. The 2011 delegates photos are available at:


Any inquiries should be sent to:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Call for Post-Conference Proceedings Papers with EXTENDED Submission Deadline of May 25, 2012: World Congress in CS, CE, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP), USA, July 16-19, 2012

Dear friends and colleagues:
Please share the announcement below with individuals who may be interested.
We anticipate having about 2,000 attendees from 88 countries.
Kind regards, Steering Committee

       CALL FOR PAPERS - Extended Deadline: May 25, 2012

          The 2012 World Congress in Computer Science,
          Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
               July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA


You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted
papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. Abstract submissions (one/two-page)
will be considered for poster presentations and one/two-page publication
in the proceedings. The conference proceedings will be made available in
printed book as well as online. The proceedings will be indexed in science
citation databases that track citation frequency/data for each paper. The
proceedings of the congress enjoys a high number of citations; about
26,000 citations have been made (so far) to papers published in the

This announcement is ONLY for those who MISSED the opportunity to submit
their papers in response to earlier "Call For Papers". Therefore, authors
who have already submitted papers in response to earlier "Call For Papers"
should IGNORE this announcement. (Those who have been notified that their
papers have been accepted, MUST still follow the instructions that were
emailed to them; including meeting the deadlines mentioned in the
notifications that were sent to them).


May 25, 2012:       Submission of papers for evaluation
June 6, 2012:       Notification of acceptance/not-acceptance
June 19, 2012:      Registration
July 16-19, 2012:   All tracks of the federated World Congress in Computer
                    Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing
                    (Las Vegas, USA)

July 30, 2012:      Camera-Ready Papers Due for publication
                    (papers submitted and accepted in response to this announcement
                    will be published in the Final Edition of the proceedings which
                    will go to press soon after the conference.)


Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site at:
Submissions must be uploaded by May 25, 2012 and must be in either
MS doc or pdf formats (about 7 pages including all figures, tables, and
references - single space, font size of 10 to 12). All reasonable
typesetting formats are acceptable (later, the authors of accepted papers
will be asked to follow a particular typesetting format to prepare their
final papers for publication.) Papers must not have been previously
published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The first
page of the paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation,
postal address, and email address for each author. The first page should
also identify the name of the Contact Author and a maximum of 5 topical
keywords that would best represent the content of the paper. The name of
the conference that the paper is being submitted for consideration must
be stated on the first page of the paper as well as a 100 to 150-word
abstract (for the list of joint conferences, see below). The length of the
final/Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7 (two-column
IEEE style) pages.

Authors whose papers are ACCEPTED will be instructed to upload their papers
to a particular web site for publication - the uploaded papers to the
publication web site will only be checked for correct typesetting.

The proceedings will be published in printed conference books (ISBN) and
will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed in
science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for each
published paper (science citation databases such as: Inspec / IET / The
Institute for Engineering & Technology; The French National Center for
Scientific Research, CNRS, INIST databases, PASCAL (covers the core
scientific literature in Science; about 90% of inclusions are journals;
only about 9% are proceedings; this set of proceedings are selected to be among
the 9% - accessable from INIST, Datastar, Dialog, EBSCO, OVID, Questel.Orbit,
Qwam, and STN International); and others. Though, there is no guarantee that
the proceedings will also be included in EI Compendex/Elsevier indexings,
in the past, the proceedings were included in these databases. Therefore,
we will also be sending the proceedings for indexing procedures to EI

In addition to the publication of the proceedings, selected authors will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a
number of research books contracted with various publishers. These books
will be composed after the conference. Also, many chairs of tracks will be
forming journal special issues to be published after the conference.

Note that authors who submit papers in response to this announcement, will
have their papers evaluated for publication consideration in the Final
Edition of the conference proceedings which will go to press soon after the
conference (the conference would then make the necessary arrangements to ship
the printed proceedings/books to such authors). The Final Edition of the
conference proceedings will be identical to earlier edition except for a
number of sections/chapters appended to the proceedings/book.

Submission of Poster Papers:

Poster papers can be 2 pages long. Authors are to follow the same instructions
that appear above. On the first page, the author should state that "This paper
is being submitted as a poster". Poster papers (if accepted) will be published
if and only if the author of the accepted poster wishes to have his/her poster
published as a 2-page extended abstract.)

(all will be held simultaneously; ie, same location and dates)

o BIOCOMP'12 - Int'l. Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology

o CDES'12 - Int'l Conference on Computer Design

o CGVR'12 - Int'l Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality

o CSC'12 - Int'l Conference on Scientific Computing

o DMIN'12 - Int'l Conference on Data Mining

o EEE'12 - Int'l Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information
  Systems, and e-Government

o ERSA'12 - Int'l Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and

o ESA'12 - Int'l Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications

o FCS'12 - Int'l Conference on Foundations of Computer Science

o FECS'12 - Int'l Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science
  and Computer Engineering

o GCA'12 - Int'l Conference on Grid Computing and Applications

o GEM'12 - Int'l Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods

o ICAI'12 - Int'l Conference on Artificial Intelligence

o ICOMP'12 - Int'l Conference on Internet Computing

o ICWN'12 - Int'l Conference on Wireless Networks

o IKE'12 - Int'l Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering

o IPCV'12 - Int'l Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and
  Pattern Recognition

o MSV'12 - Int'l Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods

o PDPTA'12 - Int'l Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing
  Techniques and Applications

o SAM'12 - Int'l Conference on Security and Management

o SERP'12 - Int'l Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice

o SWWS'12 - Int'l Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services


The congress will be composed of research presentations, keynote
lectures, invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions, and
poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/tutorial/panel speakers
have included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer, architecture, U. of
California, Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as Father of
Nanotechnology), Prof. John H. Holland (known as Father of Genetic
Algorithms; U. of Michigan), Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of Grid
Computing; U. of Chicago & ANL), Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U.
of California, Berkeley), Prof. Barry Vercoe (Founding member of MIT
Media Lab, MIT), Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer of X Window
System, xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic
Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program Director,
U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer, U. of Southern
California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director and Consultant),
Prof. Jun Liu (pioneer, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard U.),
Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi (Head,
NASA Mars Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation & Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director,
NASA's JPL Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow
of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus,
McMaster U. and U. of Limerick), Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive
Director, CERIAS and Professor, Purdue University), Dr. Sandeep
Chatterjee (Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace
Systems, Inc.), and many other distinguished speakers. To get a feeling
about the conferences' atmosphere, see the 2011 delegates photos

An important mission of the congress is "Providing a unique platform for
a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities
(such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies,
and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also
attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as
their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that
have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to
achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives."

One main goal of the congress is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing. The
Congress also encourages multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
research initiatives; ie, facilitating increased opportunities for
cross-fertilization across sub-disciplines. 4043
The list of co-sponsors of 2012 meeting is Currently being prepared;
for the 2011 list of sponsors, refer to:


The congress proceedings enjoy a high number of citations. As of
March 2012, papers published in each track of the proceedings have
received the following number of citations: 252 citations to BIOCOMP
papers; 116 to CDES papers; 65 to CGVR papers; 55 to CSC papers; 271 to
DMIN papers; 69 to EEE papers; 1,286 to ERSA papers; 504 to ESA papers;
176 to FCS papers; 9,408 to FECS papers; 157 to GCA papers; 75 to GEM
papers; 2,172 to ICAI papers; 1,529 to ICOMP papers; 1,247 to ICWN papers;
571 to IKE papers; 255 to IPCV papers; 137 to MSV papers; 5,239 to PDPTA
papers; 496 to SAM papers; 1,390 to SERP papers; and 177 to SWWS papers.
In total, over 25,600 citations have been made (so far) to papers
published in the proceedings of this federated joint conferences. Refer
to the URLs below to see the actual citation numbers (each is a link to
a live search and so it may take a few seconds for the data to pull up):

1. To see the caliber of the past offering of worldcomp, see the 2011 congress web site:
2. The 2011 delegates photos are available at:


Any inquiries should be sent to:

Friday, March 30, 2012

Call for Papers with Extended Deadline: The 2012 International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP'12) at WORLDCOMP'12, USA, July 16-19, 2012

Dear bioinformatists and computational biologists:

Please share the appended announcement with individuals who may be interested.
Thank you very much. 



EXTENDED Paper Submission Deadline: April 12, 2012

The 2012 International Conference on Bioinformatics
and Computational Biology
July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA

You are invited to submit a full paper for consideration. All accepted
papers will be published in printed conference books/proceedings (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed
in science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for
each paper. The proceedings of the congress that BIOCOMP is part of,
enjoys a high number of citations; about 26,000 citations so far.


April 12, 2012 Submission of full papers (about 7 pages) and/or posters (2 pages)
April 26, 2012: Notification of acceptance (+ possibly 7 days)
May 12, 2012: Final papers + Copyright/Consent + Registration
July 16-19, 2012: The 2012 International Conference on Bioinformatics
and Computational Biology (BIOCOMP 2012)

Those who have submitted papers during the months of January, February, and
March will receive decisions on their papers by the earlier announced dates.

SCOPE: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

O Microarrays
O Molecular dynamics and simulation; Molecular interactions
O Molecular sequence classification, alignment and assembly
O Molecular sequence and structure databases
O Computational Systems Biology
O Gene regulation
O Gene pattern discovery and identification
O Gene expression analysis; Gene expression databases
O Genetic network modeling and inference
O Comparative genomics
O Evolution of regulatory genomic sequences
O RNA and DNA structure and sequencing
O Biomedical engineering
O Combinatorics and bioinformatics
O Biological data mining and knowledge discovery
O Biological databases and information retrieval
O Bio-ontologies + semantics
O Biological data integration and visualization
O Image processing in medicine and biological sciences
O Pattern classification and recognition
O Sequence analysis and alignment
O Informatics and Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research
O Software tools and methods for computational biology and bioinformatics
O Protein modeling
O Proteomics; Protein folding and fold recognition
O Metabolic modeling and pathways
O Evolution and phylogenetics
O Macromolecular structure prediction
O Medical informatics
O Epidemic models
O Structural and functional genomics
O Amino acid sequencing
O Stochastic modeling
O Cheminformatics
O Computational drug discovery
O Experimental medicine and analysis tools.
O Personalized medicine
O Cancer informatics
O Graph theory and computational biology
O Experimental studies and results
O Application of computational intelligence in drug design
O High-performance computing and applications in biology
O Computer-based medical systems (automation in medicine, ...)
O Other aspects & applications relating to technological advancements
in medicine & biological sciences & emerging roadmaps.


Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers by uploading them
to the evaluation web site at:
Submissions must be uploaded by April 12, 2012 and they must be in
either MS doc or pdf formats (about 7 pages including all figures,
tables, and references - single space, font size of 10 to 12 - in case of
posters: 2 pages). All reasonable typesetting formats are acceptable (later,
the authors of accepted papers will be asked to follow a particular
typesetting format to prepare their final papers for publication.) Papers
must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication
elsewhere. The first page of the paper should include: title of the paper,
name, affiliation, postal address, and email address for each author. The
first page should also identify the name of the Contact Author and a maximum
of 5 topical keywords that would best represent the content of the paper.
The name of the conference (ie, BIOCOMP) that the paper is being submitted
for consideration must be stated on the first page of the paper as well as a
100 to 150-word abstract. The length of the final Camera-Ready papers (if
accepted) will be limited to 7 (two-column IEEE style) pages.

Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality,
significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of contradictory
recommendations, a member of the conference program committee will be
charged to make the final decision (accept/reject); often, this would involve
seeking help from additional referees by using a double-blinded review
process. In addition, all papers whose authors include a member of the
conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded
review process. (Essay/philosophical papers will not be refereed but may be
considered for discussion/panels).

Authors whose papers are accepted will be instructed to upload their papers
to a particular web site for publication - the uploaded papers to the
publication web site will only be checked for correct typesetting. At this
point, authors will be required to attest to the originality of their work
(ie, declaring that no part of the work is plagiarized and the paper does not
suffer from any acts of plagiarism.)

Proceedings of BIOCOMP will be published in printed conference books (ISBN)
and will also be made available online. The proceedings will be indexed in
science citation databases that track citation frequency/data for each
published paper (science citation databases such as: Inspec / IET / The
Institute for Engineering & Technology; The French National Center for
Scientific Research, CNRS, INIST databases, PASCAL (covers the core scientific
literature in Science; about 90% of inclusions are journals; only about 9%
are proceedings; worldcomp tracks are selected to be among the 9% - accessable
from INIST, Datastar, Dialog, EBSCO, OVID, Questel.Orbit, Qwam, and STN
International); and others. Though, there is no guarantee that the proceedings
will also be included in EI Compendex/Elsevier indexings, in the past, the
proceedings in which BIOCOMP was part of (PDPTA) was included in these
databases. Therefore, we will also be sending the proceedings for indexing
procedures to EI Compendex/Elsevier. The printed proceedings/books will be
available for distribution on site at the conference.

In addition to the publication of the proceedings, selected authors will be
invited to submit extended versions of their papers for publication in a
number of research books contracted with various publishers - these books will
be composed after the conference. Also, many chairs of tracks will be forming
journal special issues to be published after the conference. For a very few
examples of such recent books and journal issues formed based on BIOCOMP, see
the links below:
+ a number of journal special issues published by BMC Genomics:


Poster papers can be 2 pages long. Authors are to follow the same instructions
that appear above (see, SUBMISSION OF REGULAR PAPERS) except for the submission
is limited to 2 pages. On the first page, the author should state that "This
paper is being submitted as a poster". Poster papers (if accepted) will be
published if and only the author of the accepted paper wishes to do so.


BIOCOMP is one of the premier research conferences in bioinformatics
and computational biology. It is being held jointly (same location
and dates) with a number of other research conferences (WORLDCOMP).
WORLDCOMP is the largest annual gathering of researchers in computer
science, computer engineering and applied computing. We anticipate
to have 2,100 or more attendees from over 80 countries.
The congress will be composed of research presentations, keynote
lectures, invited presentations, tutorials, panel discussions, and
poster presentations. In recent past, keynote/tutorial/panel speakers
have included: Prof. David A. Patterson (pioneer, architecture, U. of
California, Berkeley), Dr. K. Eric Drexler (known as Father of
Nanotechnology), Prof. John H. Holland (known as Father of Genetic
Algorithms; U. of Michigan), Prof. Ian Foster (known as Father of Grid
Computing; U. of Chicago & ANL), Prof. Ruzena Bajcsy (pioneer, VR, U.
of California, Berkeley), Prof. Barry Vercoe (Founding member of MIT
Media Lab, MIT), Dr. Jim Gettys (known as X-man, developer of X Window
System, xhost; OLPC), Prof. John Koza (known as Father of Genetic
Programming, Stanford U.), Prof. Brian D. Athey (NIH Program Director,
U. of Michigan), Prof. Viktor K. Prasanna (pioneer, U. of Southern
California), Dr. Jose L. Munoz (NSF Program Director and Consultant),
Prof. Jun Liu (pioneer, Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard U.),
Prof. Lotfi A. Zadeh (Father of Fuzzy Logic), Dr. Firouz Naderi (Head,
NASA Mars Exploration Program/2000-2005 and Associate Director, Project
Formulation & Strategy, Jet Propulsion Lab, CalTech/NASA; Director,
NASA's JPL Solar System Exploration), Prof. David Lorge Parnas (Fellow
of IEEE, ACM, RSC, CAE, GI; Dr.h.c.: ETH Zurich, Prof. Emeritus,
McMaster U. and U. of Limerick), Prof. Eugene H. Spafford (Executive
Director, CERIAS and Professor, Purdue University), Dr. Sandeep
Chatterjee (Vice President & Chief Technology Officer, SourceTrace
Systems, Inc.), and many other distinguished speakers. To get a feeling
about the conferences' atmosphere, see the 2011 delegates photos
available at:

An important mission of the congress is "Providing a unique platform for
a diverse community of constituents composed of scholars, researchers,
developers, educators, and practitioners. The Congress makes concerted
effort to reach out to participants affiliated with diverse entities
(such as: universities, institutions, corporations, government agencies,
and research centers/labs) from all over the world. The congress also
attempts to connect participants from institutions that have teaching as
their main mission with those who are affiliated with institutions that
have research as their main mission. The congress uses a quota system to
achieve its institution and geography diversity objectives."

One main goal of the congress is to assemble a spectrum of affiliated
research conferences, workshops, and symposiums into a coordinated
research meeting held in a common place at a common time. This model
facilitates communication among researchers in different fields of
computer science, computer engineering, and applied computing. The
Congress also encourages multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary
research initiatives; ie, facilitating increased opportunities for
cross-fertilization across sub-disciplines.


The congress proceedings enjoy a high number of citations. As of
March 2012, papers published in each track of the proceedings have
received the following number of citations: 252 citations to BIOCOMP
papers; 116 to CDES papers; 65 to CGVR papers; 55 to CSC papers; 271 to
DMIN papers; 69 to EEE papers; 1,286 to ERSA papers; 504 to ESA papers;
176 to FCS papers; 9,408 to FECS papers; 157 to GCA papers; 75 to GEM
papers; 2,172 to ICAI papers; 1,529 to ICOMP papers; 1,247 to ICWN papers;
571 to IKE papers; 255 to IPCV papers; 137 to MSV papers; 5,239 to PDPTA
papers; 496 to SAM papers; 1,390 to SERP papers; and 177 to SWWS papers.
In total, over 25,600 citations have been made (so far) to papers
published in the proceedings of this federated joint conferences. Refer
to the URLs below to see the actual citation numbers (each is a link to
a live search and so it may take a few seconds for the data to pull up):

1. Web site of BIOCOMP'12: 
2. To see the caliber of the past offering of BIOCOMP, refer to the web site of
the 2011 congress and its affiliated conferences and tracks:
3. The 2011 congress delegates photos are available at:
4. This announcement contains updated and current information (correct as of the
date of this message). The information that appears in this announcement
supersedes earlier ones.

Inquiries should be sent to:

Links for The World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP)

The World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP)

WORLDCOMP paper submission

The 2012 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP'12)

The 2012 International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (BIOCOMP'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Computer Design (CDES'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality (CGVR'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Scientific Computing (CSC'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Data Mining (DMIN'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on e-Learning, e-Business, Enterprise Information Systems, and e-Government (EEE'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications (ESA'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Foundations of Computer Science (FCS'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Grid Computing and Applications (GCA'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Methods (GEM'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Internet Computing (ICOMP'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Wireless Networks (ICWN'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering (IKE'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Modeling, Simulation and Visualization Methods (MSV'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications (PDPTA'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice (SERP'12) at WORLDCOMP'12

The 2012 International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS'12) at WORLDCOMP'12